We recently had a visit from local environmentalist, Simon Cherriman to talk about the importance of nurturing a healthy environment.

Last week we were privileged to have the opportunity to have Simon Cherriman give a talk to the entire assembly about the importance of engaging with and preserving our wonderful environment. As with all public speaking activities, Simon emphasised to the next generation that in order for humans to be healthy and happy, we need a healthy environment.
“Working hard to preserve bushland in the Glen Forest Super Block”
This talk was part of a local environmental project initiated by a dedicated group of locals and school 'Mums', supported by the Mundaring Shire, who have been working hard to preserve bushland in the Glen Forest Super Block, a large remnant of native vegetation that supports a range of local native wildlife.
After the talk, Simon helped the students install a number of Nest-boxes in the Super Block, which will be monitored by the school to see which birds or mammals take up residence in the coming months. You can read more in the Echo News article here.